We envision this section as a creative inquiry of the cultural shift needed to change from an anthropocentric orientation to an ecocentric  rights and responsibilities centered approach. We invite artists throughout Virginia and beyond to submit, in any form (poetry, prose, music, visual) any exploration of this topic.  See AELA Earth Arts for a more in depth discussion of this type of investigation.

We Won’t Back Down

We Won’t Back Down

“Laws are being made based on the belief that we are separate from the natural world around us. We think we have the power and the right to pollute and exploit the environment that supports life. Our mistake is thinking that we are separate, better and more powerful.”

“To the River” No Pipeline Anthem SUN SiNG

“To the River” No Pipeline Anthem SUN SiNG

I’ll take you to the river. Tell you what I see. I see the truth through the water. Shining back at me. Everything in time. Since the world began. Feel it breathing in the air. Feel it buried in the land.

Standing Like a Tree music video

Standing Like a Tree music video

Standing Like a Tree with its roots stuck down, my branches wide and open. Come down the Rain. Come down the Sun. Come down the Fruit to the Heart that is Open.

When everyone went inside – Poem by Kyle Canfield

When everyone went inside – Poem by Kyle Canfield

© By Kyle Canfield from webinar by Lynne Twist When everyone went inside,the earth cracked a smile 30 million miles wide,the oceans bounced back with each rise of the tide.The animals rejoiced, they were not forced to hide. All the cars were parked, the engines sat...

VACRN Donation

Your generous giving makes possible this work to share the news and to support communities in organizing throughout Virginia. Together we can place community, environment, and democracy over corporate profits in a real and growing grassroots movement. Thank you for joining that effort. Together we can protect Virginia.


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