Keeping the status quo is a bad idea

Keeping the status quo is a bad idea

Farmville Herald letter to the editor by Mindy Zlotnick: On Wednesday, 4/19/23, Heidi Dhivya Berthoud presented, as requested, to the Buckingham Planning Commission (PC) an excellent summary of the State Study on the impacts of gold mining in Virginia. [See recording...

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LTE: Buckingham needs to take another step

LTE: Buckingham needs to take another step

Mindy Zlotnick delivering public comments 9-12-2022 Mindy Zlotnick submits letter to the Farmville Herald Editor, published Friday, 2/24/2023. On February 13th, the Buckingham Supervisors voted to send to the Planning Commission a request to amend the County’s zoning...

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Letter to the editor: We need a broader committee

Letter to the editor: We need a broader committee

Kenda Hanuman submitted a letter to the Farmville Herald, published January 3, 2023. I was a member of the State Committee to assess the HB2213 Impacts of Gold Mining in Virginia.  Unfortunately Virginia Energy, who oversaw the work group, has not updated their...

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Op Ed, LTE: Why wait to protect Buckingham County?

Op Ed, LTE: Why wait to protect Buckingham County?

The Farmville Herald is steady with the coverage on gold mining! Mindy Zlotnick and Chad Oba speak out. Check out a pdf of 2 letters in the August 24, 2022 publication here. Read another article by Finn Pollard in the Richmond Times Dispatch - scroll for it. Why wait...

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