Two powerful books emerged this year from our community’s need to grapple with our dark history then, and now.

First Printing!
A History of Racism in Charlottesville
by Freeman Richard Allan
“A History of Racism in Charlottesville” illustrates James Baldwin’s premise: “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” It describes why severe past traumas cannot become reconciled until the entire Community hears the same story. It offers a win-win opportunity for dissolving institutional logjams.
Comprehending multi-generational oppression of minority communities elevates communication, harmony and productivity for everyone. AHORC is not intended as shock therapy. It is an educative tool for decision-makers, for thought leaders, encouraging readers to put aside the habit of “deliberate forgetting.”
This is the first book to strongly contradict new laws in 39 states to actively obscure the teaching of our history. It calls for paradigm shifts that enhance social justice and material bottom-lines. AHORC offers vital healing for our era.
Would you like a book? New Dominion Bookstore, Charlottesville, carries the books, or contact Freeman. They are self published. The book will be published with an ISBN# in April, 2024. Would you like to invite Freeman to do a reading for your community? Please contact him here:
Congratulations and Thank You Freeman
for doing this very important work.
UPDATES 12/29/2023: Check out this energetic interview podcast on WINA FM NewsRadio, Charlottesville on December 22, 2023:
Freeman Allen
Two page flyer with description of book:
A History Of Racism Charlottesville flyer 2-pg
Book review by Hubert Hawkins:
Hubert Hawkins-AHORC book review

“There is no single strategy for healing racism and no one perspective on which all can agree. However, we are all called to play our part to bring about the ‘Beloved Community,’ a phrase used by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to describe a society where “caring and compassion drive political policies that support the worldwide elimination of poverty and hunger and all forms of bigotry and violence.
The ‘summer of hate’ of 2017 revealed to many of us the remnants of slavery in our community and highlighted the necessity for repairing the toxic results…”
The Charlottesville Clergy Collective (CCC) is a group of interfaith and allied community leaders who gather regularly to discuss and address the challenge of racial justice and equity in the Charlottesville-Albemarle Region of Central Virginia.
CCC link to the new book, with table of contents HERE.

In Silence, bearing witness to harms done to Black, Indigenous and
All People of Color by Fellow Americans
Join us!
Wednesdays 12:30-1:30
This vigil was started by a number of folks from a meditation group in Charlottesville. We have been meeting for over 3 years now, since George Floyd’s murder by police in May 25, 2020. This was about the time we discovered the exploratory drilling for gold in Buckingham County, and a month before the Atlantic Coast Pipeline was cancelled (July 5, 2020). Currently our signs are changing. We are continuing on, as we get good feedback from the street community.
Ode to the late great Sinead O’Connor
Blessed Be Sister!
This is a heartbreaker, so be prepared if this is your first time with this song.
Link Here. 4 minutes