NCRN 2021: End of the Year Newsletter

Jan 1, 2022 | News, Newsletters | 0 comments

Dear Friends,

As 2021 comes to a close, we pause to reflect on the challenges as well as the connections that we experienced this year.  As a network made up of individuals, groups and state affiliates, our efforts, though directed towards different issues using different strategies, ultimately affect the health and well-being of each of us and Nature (of which we are a part).  We have little chance of surviving much less thriving without an attitude of reverence of and fierce protection towards Nature that sustains us.
Empowering the Rights of Communities!
Recognizing the Rights of Nature!

This end of the year newsletter highlights the work of many, celebrates our reverence for Nature’s wisdom, and features some amazing resources that we have gathered through our collective experiences. Some of the resources spotlight indigenous wisdom, forest wisdom and creative activism that can spark us to look at our work through a more cooperative lens rather than a competitive lens. We are all more effective when we work harmoniously.

NCRN hosted some wonderful webinars this year and connected with amazing people and organizations. Guests included: Shannon with Movement Rights, Waniya and Montgomery with Indigenous Organizing and Sacred Youth Runs (Standing Rock and Stop Line #3), Will with Protect Thacker Pass, the lawyers of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), and Tony with Fair Districts PA. Greg of Move To Amend (MTA) was our guest in February and in November MTA and NCRN co-sponsored a webinar  “Striking Down Democracy: How our Rights are Hijacked by Corporations in our Communities.” Thank you to all the participants who supported our efforts. Recordings can be accessed on our website or YouTube channel.

Please take some time to read our updates and to enjoy some of the resources that we have compiled.

Thank you for your efforts and support!
All the best to YOU in 2022!

NCRN Board 

Read the newsletter here.


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