LTE: Protect Buckingham County Water

May 29, 2022 | Letters to the Editor, Mining, Top Stories, Toxic Trespass | 0 comments

Joseph Jeeva Abbate: Cyanide, Mercury, Arsenic…these poisonous chemicals are part of gold ore processing and are a component of every Gold Mine of any type. Do you want to drink these deadly poisons? Do you want these toxins leaching or spilling into our creeks, rivers, and polluting our wells and aquifers? No, we do not want the pollution that accompanies every metallic mining operation to impact our communities, our families, and the pure, clean water we are blessed to have.

We understand that it will take community action, all of us working together to stop such open-pit or closed-pit mining that inevitably brings pollution to any surrounding region. We should stand against the Canadian mining company, Aston Bay Holdings, which has been exploring Buckingham County, VA for the establishment of an industrial scale gold mining operation.

From our research, another major impact to nearby communities include the mining company drawing down the water table in the region in their processing of ore, thus reducing the water availability to the wells of residents and businesses.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has listed metallic mining as the No. 1 polluter in industry. Stand against this inevitable pollution. Stand with us against metallic mining in our community. 

Please sign this local online petition to protect against this type of toxic trespass:

Thank you,
Joseph Jeeva Abbate
Buckingham County reside

Published in the Farmville Herald on May 18, 2022. Read the pdf here.


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