Guide to filling out the Buckingham Comprehensive Plan Survey
The County is undergoing review of the Comprehensive Plan, which guides and creates policies for how the County develops. This is an opportunity to make your vision for Buckingham County's next 5 years very clear and emphatic. The review is overseen by the Planning...
VACRN NEWS, #32, September, 2023
VACRN NEWS, #31, August, 2023
James River community project: restoring forest buffers to improve the quality of our waters
I am fortunate to live on land that is high above the James River, looking out to Nelson County and towards the Blue Ridge. With grave concern I have been watching the river banks erode for the last 30+ years with each highwater...
Albemarle County Judge rights the wrongs of 125-year-old indictment and lynching of John Henry James
Albemarle County’s Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office, with research assistance from the University of Virginia, (sought) to right a 125-year wrong: the unlawful indictment of a Black man who in 1898 had been accused of sexual assault of a white woman. Albemarle’s...
VACRN News #30, July, 2023
VACRN News, #29, June, 2023
Keeping the status quo is a bad idea
Farmville Herald letter to the editor by Mindy Zlotnick: On Wednesday, 4/19/23, Heidi Dhivya Berthoud presented, as requested, to the Buckingham Planning Commission (PC) an excellent summary of the State Study on the impacts of gold mining in Virginia. [See recording...
Nature Lawyers Up
“Should trees have standing?” This question, posed in a 1972 law review paper, kicked off discussions about the rights of nature. Nina Riggio for The New York TimesWhat if nature had rights? Overall, humanity has made a lot of progress, albeit uneven, over the past...